Vitamin B1 As Thiamine

Vitamin B1 As Thiamine Introduction Picture

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is an essential nutrient that plays a diverse range of roles in the human body. Its deficiency can lead to several symptoms, which can be classified into broader categories such as energy, weight, digestion, stress, brain function, detoxification, immunity, cardiovascular, urinary, insomnia, and hormonal imbalance.

Despite commonly being associated with Beriberi, a medical condition defining thiamine deficiency, the symptoms related to this vitamin's inadequacy go far beyond that. It's surprising to see how many symptoms can be a result of not having enough vitamin B1.

It's commonly known as a "for everything" nutrient, indicating its importance in our lives. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain healthy levels of thiamine by including it in our diet or taking supplements to avoid these problematic symptoms.


Energy is a crucial component of our body and every function that it performs. Mitochondria, which are present in every organ and cell, require the essential vitamin B1 to carry out their job effectively. Utilizing carbs, fat, and protein for energy is what keeps us going.

Despite the importance of carbohydrates, a lack of proper utilization is related to diabetes. Interestingly, B1 or thiamine was first discovered in Japan with a condition known as beri beri, meaning “I can’t do it.” System-wide collapse leads to chronic fatigue, which makes it impossible to function.

Chronic fatigue is not easy to diagnose as it can have multiple root causes including nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, and infections. People facing chronic fatigue experience weak muscles and exercise intolerance, which can greatly impact their daily lives.


Weight gain is a complex issue that goes beyond just eating too much food. One aspect that is often overlooked is the role of macro and micronutrients in the body. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to cravings for specific minerals and vitamins, which can result in overeating.

This is particularly problematic when the foods eaten have a low nutrient density or an unfavorable nutrient-to-calorie ratio. When this happens, individuals may consume excessive amounts of food in an attempt to get the micronutrients they need.

This, in turn, can result in weight gain. To avoid this, it is important to consume foods with a favorable nutrient-to-calorie ratio and to ensure that the body is getting enough micronutrients such as B1. By doing so, the body can better utilize food for energy by getting sugar into cells or burning fat, rather than storing fat.


Did you know that B1 is necessary in order to produce stomach acid? And you guessed it, stomach acid (or HCl) is crucial when it comes to digesting B1. The thing is, digestive weakness is actually pretty common and can result in uncomfortable symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.

This can all be linked back to low energy levels within our cells. And here's the kicker - if our brain isn't receiving the necessary nutrients it needs, we may begin to feel tired after eating. So, if you find yourself feeling more drained after a meal than you did before, it may be worth looking into your B1 intake and digestive health.


The human body's immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us from harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses. However, immunity can be compromised by various factors, such as stress.

When we are under stress, our body's stress response takes over, and our immune function weakens, especially in the gut and lungs, where most of the immune activity takes place. White blood cells, essential components of the immune system, operate on mitochondria and depend on basic nutrients like B1 to function properly.

Therefore, our overall health and immune function are only as strong as our weakest links in basic nutrients, which are involved in every cell and function of our bodies. Ultimately, white blood cells are crucial for fighting infections and toxins, making it essential to maintain a healthy and balanced immune system.


B vitamins are prominent in methylation a key detoxification process.
Methylation problems are also related to brain problems.


Frequent urination including at night can be caused by B1 deficiency in the brain making the bladder sensitive to pressure. This is not the only possible cause of urination frequency.


B1 deficiency can affect sleep in at least two ways:
Mechanism Insomnia: The brain lacks nutrients and has too much stress to turn on sleep activity.
Functional Insomnia: the body lacks nutrients to perform the functions of repair so there is no point in sleeping. It may be a lack of nutrients or lack of circulation to deliver nutrients and clear waste and toxicity to deliver nutrients through the extracellular fluids to cells. So we wake up to move, eliminate, eat, etc. 

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