The Group Of Antioxidants

The Group Of Antioxidants Introduction Picture

The Role of Antioxidants in the Body

Antioxidants are integral to the body's basic functions, ranging from energy production in all cells to detoxification and immunity. Different antioxidants collaborate by recycling each other and addressing various weak links within a system. They also mitigate the side effects of detoxification. The rationale for taking antioxidants as a group includes:

  • Synergy: The combined effect of antioxidants is greater than the sum of their individual effects.
  • Specific Functions: Different antioxidants serve distinct purposes.
  • Mitigation of Negative Symptoms: They help alleviate the adverse symptoms associated with detoxification and the die-off effect when combating infections.

One of the leading research scientists in the field of antioxidants is Lester K. Packard, who has published numerous scientific papers and a popular book on the subject. He identifies five core antioxidants and several types of supporting antioxidants. The five antioxidants that function together as a network are:

  • Vitamins C and E
  • CoQ10
  • Glutathione
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

Specific Functions of Antioxidants

  • Vitamin C and Glutathione: Water-soluble.
  • Vitamin E and CoQ10: Fat-soluble, allowing them to penetrate fat tissues to protect and detoxify.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: Both water and fat-soluble, enabling it to access all types of tissues, including the brain.

Supporting Antioxidants

  • Selenium: Works with Vitamin E and independently as a potent detoxifier of metals such as mercury and lead.
  • Bioflavonoids: Work synergistically with Vitamin C.
  • Carotenoids: Varied and commonly found in the diet, playing significant roles in antioxidant activity.

By understanding and utilizing these antioxidants, one can enhance overall health and effectively support the body's detoxification processes.


The role of CoQ10 in energizing the body is most directly illustrated through its utilizable form, Ubiquinol, which is integral to the mitochondria's energy production in every cell. The term "ubiquinol" is derived from "ubiquitous," indicating its presence throughout the body. Its function is not limited to the heart; rather, it plays a general role in overall energy production.

The heart ceases to function, in part, when the body depletes its energy and essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and ubiquinol. Therefore, the issue extends beyond just the heart.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a foundational nutrient with a broad range of purposes. It is crucial for the immune system, particularly in the function of macrophages, which combat toxins and pathogens. After donating an electron, its free radical form initiates a chain reaction through macrophages to produce nitric oxide, a beneficial free radical that targets germs or chemicals for destruction.

Ascorbic acid has been found to be as effective as natural vitamin C, which is a rare exception to the general rule that natural forms are superior to synthetic ones. However, whole foods such as fruits contain additional nutrients like flavonoids, which are antioxidants that offer their own benefits and help recycle vitamin C, enhancing its efficacy. Therefore, it is advisable to combine sources.


Glutathione is regarded as the body's master antioxidant and is present in all cells, with a significant concentration in the liver. When combined with selenium, it is particularly effective in detoxifying metals.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is considered one of the strongest antioxidants. It is believed to have the capability to directly detoxify metals such as mercury.

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