Everything To Know About Fruits

Everything To Know About Fruits Introduction Picture

Fruit has recently made a comeback, proving that the myths surrounding it are just myths. It's not just vegans and vegetarians who are getting fruity, even beefatarians are beginning to embrace the benefits of a balanced diet that includes fruit.

One of the biggest myths about fruit is that it is pure sugar. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, as fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.

The notion that macronutrient ratios of protein, fat, and carbs are the only things that matter is reductionist and fails to take into account the other important nutrients found in fruit.

While excessive amounts of carbs can lead to insulin spikes, this can be avoided by ensuring that one's diet is rich in micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The benefits of fruit go far beyond just reducing insulin levels. They are a rich source of pure water, potassium, magnesium, and boron, among other key nutrients.

Fruits And Candida Myth

There is a common myth that fruit feeds candida, but this is not entirely accurate. While candida may feed on refined sugar and cooked carbs, low-carb diets alone are not effective in eliminating candida. Candida mutations are often the result of broader terrain or whole-body problems, such as nutritional deficiencies and parasitic infections.

Many people report resolving their candida issues by eliminating parasites that are damaging the terrain and causing yeast mutations. However, candida cannot be simply killed when created by imbalanced and deficient terrain. In addition to killing invading parasites, the immune system must also be strengthened to prevent relapse.

Fruit is actually quite beneficial in building immunity and aiding in detoxification. Vitamin C, present in many fruits, can help neutralize toxins and boost white blood cells called neutrophils to destroy harmful pathogens and chemicals.

Can You Get Enough Vitamin C From Fruits?

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to obtain sufficient amounts of Vitamin C from fruit alone. Some believe that bioflavonoid polyphenols present in fruit can actually recycle Vitamin C, making it difficult to compare the amount of Vitamin C found in fruits to other sources.

While the exact amount of recycled Vitamin C remains unknown, it's important to note that polyphenols themselves are also antioxidants, which is what the body needs from Vitamin C. Therefore, by consuming enough fruit, one can meet their antioxidant needs without requiring additional supplementation.

In fact, some individuals who consume a diet rich in fruit have reported feeling worse when taking Vitamin C supplements, as their levels are already sufficient. Ultimately, Vitamin C remains a crucial nutrient for overall health, and one can find ample sources of it through a balanced, fruit-rich diet.

Ascorbic Acid In Supplements VS Foods

When it comes to ascorbic acid in supplements and foods, many assume that they are identical. However, this is not always the case. While they may look identical chemically, some supplements are synthesized, which can lead to impurities or denatured qualities that may not be perceived.

Furthermore, it's important to consider the definition of "whole food C," as some believe that isolated nutrients lack the synergies lost with other antioxidant bioflavonoids and polyphenols that work together in fruits. Albert Szent-Györgyi, the discoverer of vitamin C, claimed that it did not work as well without the bioflavonoid rutin, which he referred to as vitamin P.

This highlights the importance of bioflavonoids and polyphenols working together to recycle each other and other nutrients in the fruit. If you're interested in learning more about how antioxidants work together, Lester K Packard's book, The Antioxidant Miracle, explains this concept in detail.

Intolerances To Fruits

Fruit is a staple in many diets, providing essential vitamins and nutrients. However, there are some people who may experience intolerance to certain fruits. These intolerances can stem from the sugars and fibers in fruit, which can be irritating to individuals with FODMAP sensitivity.

In order to alleviate symptoms, elimination diets may be necessary for a temporary amount of time. It is important to note that elimination diets are limited and not a long-term solution. To rebuild digestion and the gut, individuals may want to consider taking vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. This can be a helpful addition to one's diet to manage fruit intolerances in the short term.

Fruits VS Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables may both be part of a healthy diet, but there are some key differences to consider. Fruits, with their sweet and tempting exterior, were naturally meant to be eaten, complete with seeds to be swallowed and later deposited elsewhere.

While some people argue that many plants have toxins to deter being eaten, we shouldn't necessarily write off fruits altogether. In fact, many carnivorous animals, such as coyotes, also eat fruit. On the other hand, cooked vegetables may be overrated. Some of the starchier ones, like potatoes or carrots, can create AGEs (advanced glycation end products) that can contribute to skin spots. But not all vegetables are created equal.

Some fruits and veggies, like tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn, can actually be eaten raw to preserve their nutrients. And while some vegetables might be too fibrous to eat raw, cooking does have its benefits as well. Ultimately though, it's important to keep in mind that animals that feed mainly on plants, like cows, have unique digestive systems and microbiomes that allow them to efficiently ferment and digest their food.

Replace Cooked Starches With Fruits

When it comes to maximizing our daily intake of fruit, the reality is that many of us fall short. One of the primary reasons for this is that we continue to consume cooked carbs that are loaded with carbohydrates, preventing us from filling up on the fiber-rich fruits that our bodies crave.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for determining how much fruit to eat or which fruits to choose, a great starting point for most individuals is to swap out cooked starches and carbs in favor of fresh, whole fruits. It's important to note that incorporating fruits into your diet can be a highly personalized journey, so don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for your unique nutritional needs.

Additionally, some individuals may continue to supplement with ascorbic acid alongside their fruit consumption, but that decision is up to personal preference and any relevant medical guidance.

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