Who We Are

Who We Are

Systemic Body © has been created to help people get out of chronic pain and illnesses through customized health plans where the medical industry fails to identify any root causes. Believe it or not, we can narrow down the root causes of all health issues to 2 things: toxicity and biomechanics.

Systemic Body © The CEO

I'm the founder and one of the healthcare professionals at Systemic Body. I ended up with health issues in my 20s and I was amazed at how clueless the medical industry is about the general understanding of the body and how they make decisions when it comes to treating illnesses.

We have been studying the human body for centuries, and yet, they cannot explain why basic diseases are happening. Maybe they are not interested in putting the puzzle together, but rather making profits from sick people, keeping them in a vicious circle with medications, enough to keep them alive, but not enough to cure their disease.

My Story - Health Journey

My health issues began with dental mistakes by dental professionals. As a child, nobody taught me proper oral posture, which means keeping the whole tongue on the roof of the mouth and keeping the mouth closed with proper lip seals.

Due to this improper oral posture, I ended up mouth breathing instead of nasal breathing. That led to crooked teeth and an underdeveloped maxilla. As a kid, I also ate a lot of candies and sugary treats which led to several cavities on baby teeth.

The dental professionals treated my cavities with highly toxic mercury fillings and my body stored that mercury vapour mostly in my brain. I'm not sure who had the idea to use mercury for fillings in the first place, but they are slowly recognizing the detrimental effect it has on our bodies.

Once a teenager, they opted to treat my crooked teeth with braces by removing 4 healthy premolars, making my airways even more narrow, decreasing the space to keep my tongue on the roof of the mouth and doing an overall retraction orthodontic work instead of expanding my palate, keeping all my teeth and moving both my jaws forward.

My results might look good, but if we take a closer look, 4 teeth have been extracted, they didn't treat my overbite and stainless steel wires that I removed 5 years later.

As a result of not expanding both my upper and lower jaw during braces treatment, I also had to extract 4 wisdom teeth. That's when my health seriously started to decline. A couple of months after the extractions, I started losing weight progressively. I went from 160lb to 140 and I was 6ft tall, so I was underweight to begin with. I became slower, more fatigued, more headaches, and brain fog. My focus wasn't the same anymore and my physical and academic performances decreased.

Fast forward, I ended up with chronic fatigue and I wasn't able to do my daily routine anymore. I was tired all the time and other symptoms started to appear more frequently like anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, food intolerances, etc. It was a total nightmare, especially during the cold winters.

I didn't know what to do and I had to stop working and try to find help. Doctors were not useful. My blood tests were fine and I didn't have any physical symptoms besides the weight loss, but I wasn't feeling well mentally. I tried all kinds of diets and incorporating more raw foods, but that only got me so far.

I started looking into wellness coaches and holistic healthcare professionals. I finally found someone who was able to identify the root causes of my health issues. Turned out I had 13 deficiencies, 2 cavitations where they extracted my wisdom teeth, and the number one thing disrupting my body was mercury. The vapor stayed in my body all that time and it was very painful to detoxify.

The bigger problems appeared after the wisdom teeth removals because extractions can cause cranial distortions. Our skull has 22 bones that come together with cranial sutures. You can see some of them in this picture.

Skull - Physiopedia

When extractions are performed, teeth occlusion changes and some of the cranial bones can move and become misaligned, particularly the temporal and the sphenoid bones.

The body has 3 occlusal planes and extractions can cause changes there which can affect some functions of the brain.

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"We Do Not Diagnose Or Heal Medical Conditions.
​We Treat Lifestyle And Environmental Conditions."