More Information On Supplements

More Information On Supplements Introduction Picture

Have you ever taken a stroll through your cupboards and realized just how many half-empty bottles of supplements you have? It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that taking a pill for every problem is the solution, but the truth is that this mindset is a holdover from the medical model of disease.

In reality, we should be striving for a holistic model of health that prioritizes getting our nutrients from whole foods. This isn't to say that supplements are never necessary, but they should always be a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement for it. So take a look in your cupboards and see how many bottles you can clear out – you might be surprised at how much waste you can eliminate.

Problems With Supplements

Supplements have become a popular way to get essential nutrients into our bodies, but are they really as beneficial as we think they are? Unfortunately, the answer is often no. Many supplements are denatured compared to natural foods, as they are overheated, not fresh, or overly processed in some way.

Isolated vitamins or minerals found in supplements lack the necessary cofactor nutrients that aid in absorption, leading to an imbalance in other nutrients. To make matters worse, supplements often lack enzymes that naturally aid in digestion, unlike raw foods.

Additionally, supplements may contain artificial ingredients synthesized from coal tar and potentially harmful toxins like solvents used in the extraction process that remain as trace elements. It's imperative to use supplements with caution and awareness to achieve optimal health.

Can You Feel Supplements Working?

Supplements have become a staple in the health industry, with many individuals relying on them to meet their daily nutrient intake. However, some practitioners who specialize in energetic testing have noticed that people tend to take more than necessary.

In fact, they often recommend that individuals stop taking half or more of their supplements. It's important to note that supplements should never fully replace a balanced diet, but many people fixate on measurable daily nutrient intake. This overlooks the fact that foods, such as meat, contain micro-nutrients like zinc that are not always listed on nutrition labels.

For example, red meat is one of the highest sources of zinc. It's not just about protein and fat content; there's much more to food than meets the eye.

Unfortunately, some individuals see food as mere macronutrients lacking in vitamins and minerals. Take raisins, for example, some may label them as pure sugar while defending the supplement boron over raisins as a rich source of the nutrient. It's crucial to strike a balance between supplements and a varied diet for optimal health.

Medical VS Holistic Paradigms

The focus on supplements has become the norm in medicine, matching symptoms with pills in a medical paradigm that sees each thing as separate. However, this approach fails to address the root causes of many symptoms. Instead, attention must be turned towards nutritional deficiencies themselves.

By identifying nutrient deficiencies, the body can begin to heal itself, detoxify, and fight infections. To do so, we must identify the weakest links in our own bodies and fortify them with the nutrients they need. We must also be wary of fancy technical lab tests, as they may lead us down the wrong path.

The key is to find a reliable method of testing that aligns with our beliefs, be it lab or energetic testing. Only then can we truly achieve optimal health and well-being.

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