How Detoxification Works

Detoxification Introduction Picture

When the body has all the nutrients it needs, it will start to detoxify. After that, the most important thing is to have a solid plan, to know what to do, and to understand how detoxification works.

Detoxification Strategy

When it comes to detoxification, it's essential to take a holistic approach. Instead of relying on special cleanses or a bunch of supplements, focus on building detoxification into your everyday life. That means getting the lymph, liver, and gut all working together in harmony to eliminate toxins.

But it's not just about what you put into your body; movement is vital for getting your circulation flowing and detoxifying your brain and nervous system. You'll also want to eliminate any infections that could be making your body more toxic and weaker overall.

And don't forget about those sneaky electrons that electromagnetic radiation loves to steal. Reduce your exposure to these harmful rays wherever possible. Remember that detoxification is not a quick fix or a one-time deal - it must be built into your diet and environment for optimal results.

Customized Nutrition

Eating a balanced and varied diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes we need a little extra help to get all the nutrients we need. That's where customized nutrition comes in. By providing our bodies with the specific nutrients they need, we can energize every cell of every organ, providing us with the energy we need to feel better and tolerate detoxification.

But it's not just about energy - a strong foundation of nutrients also helps us build our many detox pathways, allowing us to heal naturally. By including antioxidants that both provide vital nutrients and relieve detox symptoms, we can create a personalized nutrition plan that works for our unique bodies. Customized nutrition is a vital step in achieving optimal health and wellness.

Liver Detox

The liver is an incredibly important organ in our bodies, responsible for processing and removing toxins. In order to support the liver's detox pathways, it's important to make sure we're getting the right nutrients and foods in our diet. Some key nutrients include antioxidants like vitamins C and E, as well as amino acids like methionine and glutathione.

Additionally, incorporating herbs into our diet that support detox can be helpful, such as milk thistle, dandelion root, and turmeric. However, it's important to note that not all herbs will be effective for everyone, so it's important to do your own testing to find what works best for you.

It's important to avoid extreme liver cleanses that involve fasting, as these can be too much for those with deficiencies relative to high toxic loads. Instead, focus on incorporating liver-supporting foods and herbs into your diet in a comfortable and sustainable way.

Gut Detox

The gut is a complex system that plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies healthy. When we experience digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation, or an upset stomach, it's important to investigate the root cause.

One common culprit is an overgrowth or a yeast infection, both of which can lead to inflammation and digestive dysfunction. To address these issues, a gut detox can be helpful. This process involves clearing any infections present, such as with herbs.

Additionally, the use of a binder, such as activated charcoal, can help remove toxins and impurities from the gut. Finally, probiotics may be necessary, providing beneficial bacteria to help restore balance to the digestive system. By taking these steps, many people find that their digestive symptoms improve, and their overall health and well-being are enhanced.

Brain Detox

Maintaining a healthy brain is paramount to leading a fulfilling life, but did you know that detoxing your liver can play a crucial role in achieving this goal? The liver serves as a vital detoxifying organ in our body, responsible for eliminating harmful toxins. But what many don't realize is that if the liver isn't functioning well, these toxins can trickle back into the brain, causing a variety of problems.

Thankfully, there is a solution. By learning how to open your brain's lymphatic drainage system directly at the cranial bones and indirectly through spinal circulation, you can efficiently and effectively eliminate any toxins that may be lingering in your brain. With a little bit of knowledge and effort, you can clear your mind and set yourself up for a healthier future. 

Estimated Time For Detox

Detoxifing can be subtle or it can be harsh. It will depend on how toxic you are and where the toxicity is located.

The more thin you were during your life, the more likely it will take you a longer period of time to heal because the toxicity gets stored in your fat cells. If you don't have a lot of weight on you, the toxicity will be stored in your organs, joints, and bones. That will take longer to detox because it's deep within your tissues and the body won't allow a large amount of detox to occur because that would damage your organs too much and you would get very ill. That's not what we want. We want a gradual and steady detox.

On the other hand, people who have a good weight on them will heal faster because the toxicity is mainly stored in their fat tissues. It will be easier to detox and we won't need to be as careful as someone who was underweight.

On average, for someone thin, it will take them about 12 to 24 months to recover to a normal level. Sometimes even more if their situation is very complex, like involving a lot of heavy metals like mercury, but that's a minority of people.

For someone who had a good and stable weight, it takes about 8 to 12 months to get their energy back and their whole function.

Feeling The Detox

The detoxification can appear in various forms, physically, mentally, or emotionally. The most important thing is to understand how it works and not to be scared to the point of wanting to quit your customized health plan and start shopping for something else.

“You’re just detoxing,” can also be an excuse for something that is not working. Not all negative reactions can be explained as detoxification, but if everything is pure and energetically tested to be compatible with you, it often is.
We have observed that a single nutrient or food can throw people into detoxification very fast, especially with young people who have deeper reserves of physical energy to do it.

Signs of detoxification can be:

  • Less energy and weakness
  • Headaches, joint pain especially when incorporating more sulphur
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, stomach discomfort, appetite reduced
  • More difficulty breathing, chest discomfort, this is usually when dealing with something highly toxic like lead or mercury
  • More earwax coming out if your brain is detoxifying, eyes irritations, jaws being sorer and stiffed if you received a lot of injections for dental treatments
  • Pimples, acne, rashes, 90% of the detoxification will come out of the skin because it's a faster way to detox and more safe to not overwhelm your organs
  • Increase in dandruff, weird tongue color, itchiness in scalp and body in general
  • Angryness, sadness, depression, ups and downs, and other weird emotions that won't last for very long, but you will need to go through it, there's no way around

A woman who takes diatomaceous earth one evening and gets “violently ill” with diarrhea but it’s all cleared up by the next afternoon. She knew it was detox and resumed taking diatomaceous earth without a problem by reducing the dose.
A man who suddenly takes 3 times the dose of iodine, which he was supposed to build up gradually is detoxing for 3-6 days.

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10 Ingredients For The Ultimate Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Ingredients・Wild Blueberries・Cilantro・Spirulina・Chlorella・Barley Grass Juice Powder・Atlantic Dulse・Flaxseeds, Etc.

A smoothie recipe to detox heavy metals from Askiki if you want to try it!